Wednesday 3 October 2012

A suitable horse name for the Autumnal season!

I had my second lesson yesterday, on the gorgeous little Conker! It's very clearly Autumn right now. Raining pretty much every day... needing a coat on to go outside... Christmas already appearing in the shops! It's ridiculous, I used love Christmas so so much, but when it's around in September (3 1/2 months away from the damn day), by the time it actually gets to Christmas day, I'm bored of it! I want nothing more to do with it! Let it be over! It's a shame that I love it for the food and present part of it, rather than the magical. It stopped being magical when I popped to the loo at around the age of 7 to discover a man that was definitely not Santa Claus drinking the brandy and eating the cookies. And then that same man woke me and my sister up later by accident, bringing in stockings. Goodbye magic, hello reality. 
Anyway, my lesson! It started with me retrieving Conker from a little girl in the indoor school, where I stood and waited holding him thinking, "Yes, we're in here and not in the rain!" Insert the three little brats. What was I thinking, of course I wasn't inside...BRATS! It looks as though their lesson is going to be a weekly thing. If it is, and they continue forcing our lesson outside in the rain, I'll be talking to the yard owner. I don't think it's right to start up a new group lesson when the little brats are around. Because they'll get the special treatment. If this group gets to three people, then who will get the special treatment? I will be intrigued to see how this pans out.
So yes, I got sent outside, again. In the rain, again. And oh look, a new rider in the group! That makes it up to a colossal 2. God I hope more people join. The new rider is named Audrey, she seemed really lovely, but I didn't get to talk to her or pay much attention to her because I was concentrating too much on my lesson. Again, we did a lot of trot work. I love this instructor. He will have you trotting pretty much the whole lesson, and because we are adults and not whiny children, we push through the "I NEED TO REST" barrier, and carry on. It's going to do wonders for my riding fitness! I also found out he precedes all horse names with the word "young". I thought he called Elliot "young Elliot" last week simply because he was only 8, which is pretty young! But he was calling Conker and Rupert (Audrey's horse for the ride) young, I had to stop myself laughing, it was adorable in a way!

We carried on with lots of trot work, and transition work to get the horses listening better. The rain came down hard, and I was glad to have a peak on my riding hat, it disguised some of the downpour! My legs were telling a very different story though, they were cold and soaked through! Another instructor came up and offered to split the indoor school in two, but Simon declined... I have a feeling he's not the only one that thinks the three little kids are brats... 
We had a couple of canters on each rein, and Conker was brilliant at transitioning when I asked him to! I think Audrey was having a bit of trouble cantering Rupert because they knocked over a jumping block and it threw her confidence out the window. But that was pretty much all I noticed she did all lesson, I felt bad, I wanted to see if we were at the same sort of riding level but just didn't get a chance. 
I am hoping for at least two more people next week. Please let us be a larger group than the brats! Please let it rain on them! Please let there be a traffic jam and they don't make it on time! 

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