Wednesday 10 October 2012

Exhaustion, sweatiness, and biting my tongue.

Ohhhh my goodness I had Dan for my lesson yesterday. Dan's a pony, by the way. He might look like a sweet little angel in the picture but one ride on him and you'll change your mind. This was my third ride on him. Let's just say Dan is the laziest horse you could ever meet. And if you try smack him with your whip he'll run into the wall. What a nightmare!
I was incredibly excited though because two new people have joined the group! Two girls, one named Amie and one name Gemma. (I'm better at remembering names than our instructor haha). 

Brat patrol come along as usual. 
Only two this time (yay they must be outside!)
It' raining a little (drizzle compared to what we rode in last week)
Mummy comes in with that bitch smile, and they split the indoor school in half.
I hate bitch smile people. It drives me insane. You can't deliver bad news, knowing you have the power and there's nothing anyone else can do about it, with a big fat smile on your face. I know one other person like this. Everyone hates her too. I'm yet to meet a bitch smile man. Maybe it's a woman thing. 

So two in one half of the school and four in the other? With an empty outdoor school? Doesn't that just sound like the fairest situation anyone's ever come up with? 
All I could hear for their half hour lesson was their instructor yelling at them to pay attention, pull on their reins, turn, pay attention again, etc etc. Then one of the boys started crying, and everyone ran over with comforting words. All I could think was, "if you're going to sit there crying like a brat, then fuck off so we can use the school instead!" Then when they left, our poor instructor had to put all the dividing poles and blocks away! Rude!
This lesson was just exhausting. I can't think of another way to describe it. Constant trot work with constant nudging, then kicking, then booting, then smacking for an hour. I could have wrung the sweat from my t-shirt after. The other girls were fairly novice, but you can see their potential and that they have been taught well so far. Unfortunately there was a bad mix of horses in the group, two super slow, and two super fast. One of the fast horses kept going up everyone's butts, and the girl riding didn't realise she should turn away or circle in this situation, and poor Rupert ended up getting kicked! Another reason why a tiny schooling space is not a good idea.
A huge dinner and a glass of wine was most definitely needed in the evening. 
I'm sorry, this blog post is just incredibly whiny and ranty. I just can't understand why the yard owner has made a new group that conflicts with another lesson. I just can't work it out. It's moronic, either put their lesson half an hour back, or move ours half an hour forward. Problem solved.
Shame she won't care what anyone has to say. Maybe we should all go in as a unit and not back down to her. Work as a team against her ;)

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