Tuesday 25 September 2012

A new instructor - A new start!

Since the beginning of this year I have gone down from a riding lesson once per week, to a riding lesson once per month. This has not done my riding any good! 
I went from a strong, steady lower leg, capable of 2 foot jumps, to not even being able to keep a hold of my stirrups in trot and canter! My semi private lesson riding buddy is sadly moving away, and I saw a flyer at my riding centre advertising a new weekly group lesson, for older teens/adults, that can rise to the trot and are learning to canter. I thought, hmm, I could get a bit bored, but my riding level has deteriorated so much I thought aw heck, I'll go from the bottom up! I turned up today half an hour early (oops), and got told I would be on Elliot, a gorgeous 16.1HH 8 year old, (pictured here). I absolutely love riding Elliot, he has great paces and is very responsive to your seat and leg. He hasn't been booted by enough riding centre children to have "dead sides" yet! Elliot is, by far, the best horse at Arundel. He's just so willing, innocent, and hasn't been ruined. He is wonderful!
My new instructor is called Simon, he was lovely! He sounded very posh and I was a bit worried, but he was very friendly, helpful and knowledgeable. He taught me a couple of things I didn't know or understand, (such as pointing your belly button in the direction you want to turn, as this keeps you balanced, and that my floppy stirrup problem is partly because I've developed a habit of pinching my knee!
I suppose to get to know me, we just did trot work. The yard owner made me go in the outdoor school, which is pretty small...honestly I was a bit miffed about being moved outside...not for me, but for Elliot! He is a big big horse, and there were three kids on ponies in the indoor school, which is a far more suitable size for Elliot! But one of the kids was the son of the riding school owner... and him and his friends were having a "lesson". (More like pissing about). It just seemed unfair that these little brats got special treatment when they can ride any day of the week so it doesn't conflict with other people, but the paying customer got shoved out in the rain! 
Apart from getting a bit damp it was a very successful lesson, with lots of work on the sitting trot (ouchie), and getting that lower leg strong! 
I can't wait for next week! I'm really hoping some other people join the group, as, although I loved the private lesson, with more people we can claim the indoor school, and those little brats can go outside! Haha! 

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