Friday 8 February 2013

Took a break from the blog scene, but now I'm back!

I'm sorry I'm sorry I'm sorry!
I can't believe I abandoned this blog for over a month! So rude of me! 
Anyway, here's the latest:
Me and Lauren were not all that happy in the 6.15pm group. We've both been moved to the more advanced 7.15pm group. Then we found out the 7.15pm group doesn't like jumping, and because we've joined they're going to jump once a month. So, now, Lauren and I are going to do a flat 7.15 week 1, jump 6.15 week 2, flat 7.15 week 3, and jump 7.15 week 4. Phew. 

Our new lessons in the 7.15pm group are very tough. All the other riders are (I'm assuming) over 50, and are all really good. Instead of just going round in circles, we're working on bending, contacts, leg yielding, all these complicated things! 

I'm really happy about being thrown in the deep end though. I'm thoroughly enjoying the lessons even though we've had 3 flat works with just trotting in a row. (Which is why I'm doing lesson swaps, I need to do a bit of cantering and jumping or it's all going to go down the drain again!) 

I'll start writing proper blogs about my lessons from next week. Not that anybody reads them. Except maybe Jas (who I seriously cannot wait to see in March!) 


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