Sunday 17 February 2013

Lazy Sunday Afternoon Bloggalogging

I'm so naughty at posting my blogs now! I'm only posting this because my friend Jasmine reminded me! 
This week we had our lesson on Wednesday, and kinda sucked. I was ill, and I had Bally, which was cool, but we were only doing flatwork. So it was a bit of a frustrating lesson. I'm getting bored of constant flatwork lessons now and just wanna have a bit of a jump! Maybe on Tuesday... 
We also only worked in trot. Snore! My position is getting gradually worse although my control over the horse is getting better. Tomorrow on Bruno I'm going to do some position work (I'm also giving my nephew his first ever lesson, exciting!). I'll be posting again tomorrow with some pictures as my sister is playing cameraman. 
We did some interesting shapes that I've never done before, they were almost like a tear drop. For example, if I were riding on the right rein, I'd go from C to M, then change to left rein, and go from A to F. It was quite good to establish which sides the horses were stronger and more flexible on. We did this for about half an hour in walk, then trot. Bally is really bad at bending to the right so I spent a lot of time working on that. There was improvement in her, but my position was awful. Seriously awful. My lower leg was sliding into that horrible chair seat position. I really cannot wait to work on it tomorrow! We then spent the other half hour leg yielding and doing shallow loops in trot. 
So yeah. This blog was kind of pointless as the lesson was so damn boring! 
(Please please please let us be jumping on Tuesday!!!) I also have a job interview on Tuesday at Dogs Trust, so it'll be good to have that ride and release of tension in the evening. 
Sorry this is so short, I really didn't know what else I could add! 

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