Wednesday 28 November 2012

Wiggly Bally loves a jump!

This is the only picture I could find of the horse I rode yesterday (not me riding). Her name is Bally, she is young, green, and has pretty much just pulled a cart all her life! She very much likes to be with her friends! 
There were only four of us in the group today, which meant lots of jumping! (And yet again, no cantering?)
We did our usual half an hour of flatwork. We did an exercise where we would trot the long side, then walk the short side. Then we did some figure of eights in rising trot and sitting trot. Sitting trot is difficult on Bally, not because she's bouncy, but she's so wiggly and speeds up like crazy when her friends are ahead of her! I had to turn her away a lot, and really let her know we were going where I wanted, not where she wanted! 
I'd seen Bally jumping before so I knew I'd be having some fun! We did a 1 foot cross pole to start with. She was really comfy to jump! Then Simon put a second jump in. Most of the time she'd trot between the two,but there were a couple of times where we got a canter! It's just so much easier! The jumps are at a 4 stride distance apart, so it's really easy to go "1, 2, 3, 4, fold!" in your head. After a few goes round we got called into the middle along with Lauren on Charlie. The other girls (Amie and Charlotte) had a few more goes on the smaller jumps. Amie really struggled on George, he was doing his trick of cantering past all the jumps! And because we haven't had a cantering lesson yet, Amie nearly fell off! She loses her balance because her heel goes up, then her lower leg swings back, sending her upper body forward. Simon dealt with it well though, he led her over the next few jumps in trot, then slowly let her go over them by herself. She was doing fine by the end, not sure if she'll want George again though! Charlotte was doing really well over the jumps! She just carried on trotting around, hop, hop, trot, hop, hop trot. She's really improving fast, it's really good to see. 
Simon then popped the jumps up to 2 foot cross poles and let me and Lauren go round. We were constantly going over the jumps, we must have gone round about ten times, but it was so good! I never did get her going up the long side without wiggling everywhere, but I managed to keep her straight between the jumps by the end of it! 
At the end of the lesson Simon asked us our usual "what colour is your horse?" question. Then he asked us parts of the bridle, then parts of the saddle. Although I know the parts of the saddle, I could only remember the pommel. cantle and knee rolls off the top of my head. Simon asked me to learn all the parts for next week, so here's an annotated diagram of a saddle, if you're interested! 

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