Tuesday 20 November 2012

Horsemanship Fail

I've got a mega manky cold today, so when I peered warily over the counter to look in the book and found out I had Dan, I wasn't impressed. I thought to myself, "Right, just get on him and show him who's boss!" 
I never got to show Dan who's boss. 
We got in the school, and as usual, I put my stirrups on, then adjusted the girth. I had another feel of the girth and figured it could go up another hole. 
In all my years of tacking up horses (about 2 ha), I've always let go of the reins to do the girth. I'm a weak armed lady. I need two hands to do it. I've never been told to do it any different, nobody has ever said "Hey, that's the wrong way". So when Dan pinned his ears back and bolted, I was not prepared. I tried to grab the reins but missed, he ran off and gave Shamus a double footed kick! I had no idea what to do, luckily Simon came charging over shouting "I will not have that in my lesson!" I thought Dan would just get a little telling off, but he got one of the girls working there to take him away. I felt awful! I kept apologising and he said it was OK, not to worry about it, but I feel so stupid! 
I went down to the stables where a girl had tacked up Rupert for me. I sheepishly took him to the school where everyone was walking around. I got on and was admittedly relieved I wasn't riding Dan. I'd never seen him flip out like that before! The other times I've ridden him I've done the same thing. Poor Shamus. 
We did a lot of trot work today. We did our shallow loops on both reins, then went large around the school standing up. I still find this so damn difficult! Rising trot - fine. Sitting trot - fine. Trotting without stirrups - fine. Trotting in a light seat - fine. Trotting standing - FAIL! I have to hold onto mane or I plop straight back into the saddle after a few strides. I tried to let go, but plop. Amie was doing really well today, she could stand trotting fine, and while everyone else was faffing around at the C end of the school trying to get out of each other's way, she was happily trotting around the A end. It was funny, but good as she normally doesn't concentrate on what she's doing, so if Simon tells her to change the rein or do a circle, she'll carry on as if nothing was said! 
After a bit of standing in the stirrups we had them taken away. I checked myself in the mirror, and I was sitting to the trot fine, but I sure felt bouncy! Especially down the long side when there's a horse ahead of Rupert! We did the shallow loops again, and I felt a bit wobbly and one sided. I now realise I should have squeezed him to direct him with my leg rather than kick, because when I kick with just one leg in sitting trot my knees pinch and I start to slide! I must remember that for next time... 
Our lesson had got to over halfway through and Simon hadn't made a grab for any poles or blocks, so I was really hoping we'd get a canter! Unfortunately a couple of minutes after I was thinking that, the poles were brought down. It's not that I don't enjoy the jumping, I just really want a canter! I can canter on Ziggy and Bruno, but it's good to have someone watching you and helping you get it right. I'm worried I've picked up bad canter habits because nobody has been keeping an eye on me! We did the jump a few times on the left rein. Such a teeny little jump. A 2 foot cross pole. Most of the horses just treated it as a trot pole! One of the girls had Bally, and Bally loves to jump. Amazingly she kept her in a steady trot over them! 
Our lesson ended 5 minutes early today, 10 if you count the walking around chatting. I do like the end of lesson chats. Simon normally asks us what our horses colour is, their markings, what breed/type they are, how we found the lesson etc. I like it, but I'm a bit of a Hermione Granger when nobody else knows the answers! 

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